Green Adventures in Iceland: How to Travel Responsibly in the Land of Fire and Ice


If you're dreaming of geysers, glaciers, and Northern Lights but also want to keep your carbon footprint as tiny as an elf’s shoe, then Iceland is calling your name. This land of fire and ice offers breathtaking landscapes and unique adventures, all while pioneering in sustainability. So grab your reusable water bottle, because we're about to embark on a guide to eco-friendly travel in Iceland. Let’s dive into sustainable tours, green accommodations, and environmental initiatives that make responsible travel here not just possible, but easy and fun.

Sustainable Tours: Exploring with a Conscience

 1. Eco-friendly Northern Lights Tours

Aurora Borealis, Iceland

Chasing the elusive Aurora Borealis is a must-do in Iceland, but you can do it sustainably. Companies like Green Energy Travel offer Northern Lights tours in electric or hybrid vehicles. These tours not only reduce carbon emissions but also educate participants about the importance of preserving our night skies and natural landscapes.

 2. Carbon-neutral Glacier Hikes

Iceland Glaciers

Trekking on glaciers is an otherworldly experience, but it’s crucial to do it responsibly. Icelandic Mountain Guides provide carbon-neutral glacier hikes, offsetting the emissions of their tours through reforestation projects. Their guides are also experts in glacial science, offering insights into the effects of climate change on these icy giants.

 3. Whale Watching with a Green Twist

Whale spotted in Iceland

Whale watching is a highlight of any trip to Iceland. Choose companies like Elding Adventures at Sea, which operate environmentally certified boats. They adhere to strict guidelines to minimize disturbance to marine life and support marine conservation efforts. Plus, their boats are often powered by renewable energy sources.

 4.Sustainable Horseback Riding

Horseback riding in Iceland

Explore Iceland’s rugged terrain on the back of an Icelandic horse with companies like ƍshestar. They promote low-impact travel and work to preserve the traditional Icelandic horse breed. Riding these sturdy and friendly horses not only provides a unique perspective on Iceland’s landscapes but also supports sustainable farming practices.

Green Accommodations: Sleep Tight and Eco-bright

 1. Eco-certified Hotels and Guesthouses

For an eco-friendly stay, look for accommodations with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel or Green Globe certification. Ion Adventure Hotel is a prime example, combining luxury with sustainability. Located near Thingvellir National Park, it uses geothermal energy, features sustainable architecture, and offers organic dining options.

 2. Eco-friendly Camping

If you’re a fan of the great outdoors, consider staying at one of Iceland’s many eco-friendly campsites. Reykjavik Campsite is a popular choice, boasting excellent facilities while implementing recycling programs, waste reduction initiatives, and energy-efficient practices. Remember to adhere to the Leave No Trace principles: take only pictures and leave only footprints.

 3. Farm Stays and Sustainable Lodges

Experience Icelandic hospitality and farm-to-table dining by staying at sustainable farm lodges like Frost and Fire Hotel. These lodges often use local produce, renewable energy, and water conservation techniques. Staying here not only reduces your environmental impact but also supports local communities.

 Environmental Initiatives: Iceland Leading by Example

 1. Renewable Energy Pioneers

Iceland is a global leader in renewable energy, with nearly 100% of its electricity generated from renewable sources, primarily geothermal and hydroelectric power. Visiting geothermal power plants, like the HellisheiĆ°i Geothermal Plant, can be both educational and inspiring. You'll learn how Iceland harnesses the earth’s natural heat to power homes and businesses sustainably.

 2. The Icelandic Pledge

Join thousands of travelers in taking the Icelandic Pledge – a promise to respect nature, avoid off-road driving, and leave natural sites as you found them. This initiative encourages responsible tourism and helps preserve Iceland’s pristine landscapes. You can take the pledge online and even receive a certificate to commemorate your commitment.

 3. Local Conservation Projects

Participate in local conservation efforts during your stay. Organizations like SEEDS Iceland offer volunteer programs where you can get involved in environmental projects such as reforestation, beach clean-ups, and habitat restoration. It’s a rewarding way to give back to the beautiful country that’s hosting your adventures.

 4. Plastic-Free Initiatives

Help Iceland in its mission to reduce plastic waste by supporting businesses that have adopted plastic-free practices. Many cafes, restaurants, and shops offer alternatives to single-use plastics. Carry a reusable bag, bottle, and utensils to minimize your plastic footprint.

Adventure Awaits, Responsibly

Traveling responsibly in Iceland is not just an option; it's a way to ensure that the stunning beauty and unique ecosystems of this incredible country are preserved for future generations. From sustainable tours and green accommodations to participating in local environmental initiatives, there are plenty of ways to enjoy Iceland while being kind to the planet. So, pack your eco-friendly gear and get ready for an unforgettable green adventure in the land of fire and ice. Iceland awaits, and it’s greener than ever!
