Unveiling the Mystical Trunyan Hills: A Journey to Bali's Enigmatic Kintamani Village

Trunyan Hills, Bali

Embarking on a journey to one of Bali’s most intriguing and mystical destinations: the Trunyan Hills in Kintamani Village. Get ready to dive into a world where ancient traditions meet breathtaking landscapes. Grab your explorer's hat, a sense of wonder, and let’s uncover the secrets of this fascinating corner of Bali!

Why Trunyan Hills?

Kintamani Village, Bali

You might be wondering, what makes Trunyan Hills so special? Well, this isn’t just another pretty spot in Bali. Trunyan is home to the Bali Aga people, the island’s original inhabitants who have preserved their unique customs and traditions for centuries. This place offers a peek into a culture that predates even the Hindu influence on the island. Plus, the scenic beauty of Kintamani’s volcanic landscapes is enough to make any nature lover’s heart skip a beat.

Getting There

Getting to Trunyan Hills is part of the adventure. Nestled on the eastern shore of Lake Batur, you’ll likely start your journey from Ubud or Denpasar. A scenic drive through the lush countryside will lead you to Kintamani Village. From there, it’s a boat ride across the serene Lake Batur to reach Trunyan. The lake itself, with its calm waters reflecting the surrounding mountains, is worth the trip.

The Enigmatic Trunyan Cemetery

Banyan Tree, Kintamani Bali

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. Unlike the typical cremation ceremonies practiced in most of Bali, the Trunyan villagers have a unique way of handling their departed loved ones. They practice a unique burial ritual, known as 'Mepasah.' Instead of cremation or burial, bodies are left exposed to the elements, guarded by a sacred tree. This centuries-old tradition adds an extra layer of mystique to the already enchanting landscape of Trunyan Hills.

They lay the bodies out in bamboo cages under a massive banyan tree called Taru Menyan. This tree, believed to have mystical properties, emits a fragrant scent that masks the smell of decomposition. Yep, you read that right. It’s a fascinating and eerie sight that’s sure to give you goosebumps.

The Village Life

Trunyan Village itself is a charming place where time seems to stand still. The locals are incredibly welcoming and take pride in sharing their rich heritage with visitors. Wander through the village and you’ll see traditional Balinese houses, locals weaving baskets, and children playing by the lake. It’s a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a way of life that has remained unchanged for generations.

Natural Beauty

Sunset in Trunyan Hills

Aside from its cultural richness, Trunyan Hills offers some of the most stunning natural scenery in Bali. The area is surrounded by lush green hills, and the crystal-clear waters of Lake Batur provide a perfect backdrop for your explorations. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider hiking up Mount Batur for a sunrise trek. The view from the top, with the sun rising over the caldera, is nothing short of magical.

Tips for Your Visit

Before you set off on your mystical adventure, here are a few tips to make your visit to Trunyan Hills even more enjoyable:

1. Respect Local Customs: The Trunyan people have deep-rooted traditions. Be respectful and ask for permission before taking photos, especially in sacred areas like the cemetery.

2. Dress Appropriately: As with many cultural sites in Bali, it’s important to dress modestly. A sarong and a polite demeanor go a long way.

3. Prepare for the Boat Ride: The boat ride across Lake Batur can be a bit bumpy, so if you’re prone to seasickness, come prepared with some motion sickness remedies.

4. Hire a Local Guide: To truly appreciate the history and significance of Trunyan, consider hiring a local guide. They can provide invaluable insights and ensure you don’t miss any hidden gems.


Visiting Trunyan Hills in Kintamani Village is like stepping into a different world. From the mystical Taru Menyan tree to the welcoming Bali Aga community, this hidden gem offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. It’s a place where you can witness ancient traditions firsthand and connect with the island’s original spirit.

So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an adventure that’s as enlightening as it is enchanting. Have you visited Trunyan Hills? Share your experiences in the comments below. And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? The mysteries of Trunyan are calling your name!

Embark on a journey to the heart of Bali’s ancient culture—because in Trunyan Hills, every moment is a step back in time.
